Data Driven Agricultural Commodity Trading


We have created the Largest commodity data and market intelligence collection network spanning across the country

Dashboards with pricing information, short term predictions and basic statistics for each item allow us to identify potential trades

We source directly from farmers in our network and sell directly to mandis, aggregators, value addition businesses and exporters

About DehqaanAI

DehqaanAI was founded to tackle the challenges of a primitive agricultural supply chain in Pakistan. We use data collected from markets accross the country to establish pricing models which allow us to anticipate demand in various regions of the country in order to source produce from farmers at optimal rates. We are incorporated in Okara, arguably the most significant agricultural market in the country, where the countrywide base rate is determined for several significant commodities (such as rice, potatoes, maze). We have a rapidly growing team distributed throughout Pakistan.

DehqaanAI Technology

Largest commodity pricing and market intelligence collection network in Pakistan

  • 387 mandis and retail areas in all provinces
  • 188 agricultural commodities covered

Through a team dispersed across the country we collect data on prices, sourcing and daily mandi auction of tradable commodities in season; and transport rates of 300 routes across Pakistan for vehicles of varying lugging capacity.

Data driven trade identification and execution

  • Centralized dashboards show the daily updated pricing and demand of each commodity across Pakistan
  • Sourcing data identifies seasonal growth cycles of products and their ex-farmer price and allows for algorithmic identification of potential trades
  • After collecting data for over a year, we can identify seasonal demand patterns and use time series analysis (XGBoost/RNNs) for proactive trading


203 Rehman Tower, Main Market, Gulberg 2,
54660 Lahore